The Corner Structural Alterations Estimating Calculator estimates the Material, Labour and Plant required to form large openings in the corner of 2 walls.

The Corner Structural Alterations Estimating Calculator is linked to the Specification. Therefore, many of the items required for a structural opening are specified by the Specification.

The combination of information taken from the Specification and the dimensions you enter will calculate the following items automatically:

  • Formation of opening
  • Lintels
  • Plastering
  • Decorating
  • Plant for forming the opening
  • Plus all the labour associated with the above


  • Please check all pre-specified items listed in the Calculated and Sundry Resources tabs, and in particular any red highlighted "critical items" before accepting the output.
  • For openings in a straight section of wall use the Structural Opening Estimating Calculator.
  • For smaller openings in a straight section of wall, such as doorways or windows, use the Small Structural Opening Estimating Calculator.