The Attic Block Wall Estimating Calculator is used to calculate the Labour, Materials and Plant content and costs of single leaf attic block walls.

The Attic Block Wall Estimating Calculator calculates the following items:

  • Blockwork
  • Steel to build the wall on
  • Plastering
  • Skirting
  • Decoration
  • Plus all labour associated with the above

The Attic Block Wall Estimating Calculator is linked to the Specification.


  • You must define the steel being used under the attic block wall if it is required.
  • Any doors and windows should be added using the appropriate door and window Estimating Calculators. These will also automatically add any lintels which are required.
  • Where you are going to use timber frame panels, all internal blockwork and the associated sand, cement and labour should be marked as being "Included in Timber Frame" in the Calculated Resources tab of the Estimating Calculator.