You'll be well aware that prices are volatile at the moment. There has been a considerable increase in demand for materials since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Manufacturers are under a lot of pressure. And as we understand it from the Builders Merchants Federation amongst other products, there are long delays for roofing materials.

Then there's Brexit... not to mention the rising price of containers from the Far East. It's a perfect storm!

During the last six months timber has gone up over 50% and steel products (beams, columns etc.) have increased by 20%.

This update contains the latest BuildingWorks Tracker material pricing to ensure you are using the most up date information.

When opening existing projects you will asked if you want to apply these updated prices to your project or not.

Other changes in this update include:

  • New option added to show page numbers in Bill of Quantities.
  • Optimized rendering for screens with different pixel densities.
  • Various fixes to roofs including a fix where an any shape flat roof could cause an error on placement.
  • Fixed an error when using a steel beam as a lintel for doors or windows.
  • Fixed an issue in Assumptions and Omissions that could cause a saving error.

All subscribers can download this update from now.